Neologisms in Finnish-speaking children’s language
This book examines innovative derived words and compounds used by Finnish-speaking children.
The first derivational type of verbs has the productive and transparent TTA-suffix (e.g. kaatua ‘fall over’ → kaaduttaa ‘overturn’), and most early adjectives have the inen-suffix (e.g. kasvi ‘plant’ → kasvinen ‘with many plants’). As for the nouns, children produce such derivational innovations as instruments derived with the in-suffix (e.g. paistaa ‘to roast’ → paistin ‘grill’, pelastaa ‘rescue’ → pelastin ‘rescue tool’), local nouns derived with the lA-suffix (e.g. Timo → Timola ‘Timo’s home’), and mUs-derivatives (e.g. piirtää ‘draw’ → piirtämys ‘drawing’).
The first compound neologisms are based on the transparent models of the caregivers. Later innovative compounds are diversified but mostly so transparent that they are easily understood, such as isosormi ‘big finger’ in the meaning of ‘thumb’, kalatelevisio ‘fish television’ in the meaning of ‘aquarium’, takanimi ‘back name’ in the meaning of ‘family name’, takaruoka ‘back food’ in the meaning of ‘dessert’, and yöaurinko ‘night sun’ in the meaning of ‘(full) moon’.
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Nationalism and language
This book looks at the relationship between nationalism and language through a theoretical introduction and case studies focusing on Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. It encourages readers to reflect on language-related phenomena and their own language attitudes – and at the same time reconsider concepts such as “mother tongue” and “national language” that guide language policies and debates on language issues. The scholarly knowledge of the history of language, language learning, the relationship between language and the production of knowledge that the authors highlight is often at odds with how nationalist narratives frame the status of language and guide language policies and education. The book is useful for students and professionals working with language: language teachers, researchers, language planning authorities and experts in multilingualism. It provides food for thought for all those interested in the relationship between language and society.
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This anthology ‘The Culture of the Finnish Roma’ is a highly needed collection of articles intended for a wide audience, in Finland and internationally. The editors of the anthology, when participating in many international conferences and seminars, have often been asked: Is there Roma research in Finland? What is it like? Which perspectives does it utilize?
The main function of this anthology is to reply to those questions. It compiles an array of contemporary Roma research done in present day Finland, both by Finnish, Finnish Roma, and international scholars. It will be of interest to both academic as well as lay readers interested in Roma culture and Roma life in Finland, past and present.
The chapters focus on the research and the life of Roma in Finland. Bringing to light the various sides of the Romani way of life, scholars from different fields include historians, linguists, anthropologists, and cultural and social researchers.
Many of the previous books have suffered from a recycling of materials that mythologize and stereotype Romani people. Including the viewpoint of Roma scholars and diverse research branches ranging from culture, language, religion, and gender, the anthology aims at overcoming the stereotypes and bring knowledge of aspects of Romani life.
The eternal contemplation and negotiation of identities lies in the heart of any culture. We hope that the way The Culture of the Finnish Roma discusses these issues brings forth interesting topics to consider for any reader, regardless of national or ethnic origin.
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This book is about how urban linguistic landscapes reflect and create sociolinguistic, societal and urban dynamics, and how these relations can be scientifically explored. Focusing on the linguistic landscapes of selected cities in northern and southern Europe, it sheds light on how urban areas with diverse profiles differ, and how the linguistic landscapes change through tourism and migration, or in times of crisis. The chapters put forward sophisticated and novel ways of approaching urban sociolinguistics and they enhance understanding of the challenges and opportunities included in the study of sociolinguistic variation in these linguistic landscapes.
The book is targeted at scholars in the field of urban sociolinguistics and those wishing to approach the subject through the lens of linguistic landscapes. It also gives interesting suggestions to people involved in language planning and policy reflection, as well as those engaged in urban redevelopment planning. Last but not least, it offers theoretical and methodological guidance to students and researchers in a variety of disciplines.
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How to study politeness? Perceptions of Finnish and French politeness
Politeness is a key means by which we maintain interpersonal relationships. This book is the first comprehensive study of politeness in Finnish. Based on linguistic and pragmatic research, the book spans three parts. The first part is theoretical and historical, summarising three waves of politeness research, describing politeness as a cultural and historical phenomenon. The second part is empirical, providing an example of the study of im/politeness from outsiders’ perspectives—that, is French people living in Finland and Finns living or having lived in France. The focus group discussions ranged from definitions of politeness and differences of behaviour, to learning and teaching as well as to changes to politeness norms within society. The third part summarises the conclusions and offers an epilogue. This reader-friendly book includes exercises and recommended readings, and is welcomed by researchers and students working on politeness and, more broadly, relational work.
Book DetailsThis volume presents an up-to-date cognitive-linguistic account of the Finnish cases that would serve the interests of an international audience. As the Finnish linguistic tradition has always considered grammatical cases to be meaningful elements, this volume also addresses the extensive work by earlier scholars from different theoretical backgrounds. The volume consists of an introduction and eleven articles. The introduction presents the system of Finnish cases and provides a brief overview of the main tenets of cognitive linguistics, offering guidance for those readers who are not familiar with cognitive linguistics. Some articles focus on one case and present a unified account of its functions, others analyse a larger group of cases that form a system (the local cases), whereas yet others address the use of cases in certain constructions (such as expressions of change). This collection of articles also discusses more general topics, such as the notion of case, questions of polysemy, the traditional division of cases into grammatical and semantic, the relationship between inflection and derivation, and the role of inflection in the categories of adpositions and adverbs.
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Conversation Analytic Perspectives to Digital Interaction. Practices, Resources, and Affordances
This book offers a collection of state-of-the-art conversation analytic work on the impact of different types of digital technologies and media on social interaction. It furthers our understanding of whether and to what extent the varying practices of digital interaction can be considered adaptations of the basic organisations and resources of co-present face-to-face interaction. The chapters explore the emerging practices in contemporary digital interaction and in interaction related to digital technologies. The volume is organised into four sections according to the platform or type of digital interaction: mobile messaging, social media, video conferencing, and human-computer interaction. Each of the chapters highlights an interactional or linguistic phenomenon – an action, a practice, a sequence, or a larger structure. Some of these are unique to online environments, such as emojis or hashtags, whereas some occur in both online and offline interaction, such as repair initiators and proposal sequences.
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This collection of thirteen chapters answers new questions about rhyme, with views from folklore, ethnopoetics, the history of literature, literary criticism and music criticism, psychology and linguistics. The book examines rhyme as practiced or as understood in English, Old English and Old Norse, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Karelian, Estonian, Medieval Latin, Arabic, and the Central Australian language Kaytetye. Some authors examine written poetry, including modernist poetry, and others focus on various kinds of sung poetry, including rap, which now has a pioneering role in taking rhyme into new traditions. Some authors consider the relation of rhyme to other types of form, notably alliteration. An introductory chapter discusses approaches to rhyme, and ends with a list of languages whose literatures or song traditions are known to have rhyme.
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Kalle Päätalo through the eyes of researchers
The Finnish novelist Kaarlo (Kalle) Alvar Päätalo’s (1919–2000) main work, the Iijoki series, consists of 26 novels (comprising ca. 17 000 pages) and was written in 1971–1998. In this book the text corpus in Kielipankki concerning Päätalo’s works is introduced to the readers, as well as the possibilities of digital text mining.
This book includes scientific articles concerning the works of Kalle Päätalo. It also gives ideas for the research that can be carried out in the future. The authors of this book are researchers in the fields of history, linguistics and literature, respectively. The research results presented in this book speak for the fact that the Iijoki series is a significant source material for future research, for example from the point of view of oral history, language variation, metalanguage, swearing and the reader’s reception. The possibilities for future research seem to be quite plentiful.
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Language and interaction in human-animal communities
This collection of articles sheds light on the role of human language in interspecies interaction. The book shows that language is not necessarily what separates us from other creatures. It can also be seen as yet another dimension of human existence that is deeply rooted in our shared history and everyday life with other living beings. This volume contains six individual research articles, two short reviews, an opening introduction to the themes of the book, and an extensive, theoretical closing chapter. The studies draw on methodologies and theoretical approaches including conversation analysis and a cognitive, usage-based approach to grammatical constructions. The book further explores the interfaces of linguistics, biosemiotics, and posthumanism. The studies show how linguistic and interactional approaches can contribute to our understanding of how human and non-human animals communicate with each other during embodied activities, how human language users make sense of interspecies encounters in speaking to or about animals, and how human language is thereby impregnated by the presence of other species. The individual research articles study, e.g., interaction with co-present animals, dialectal cow calls, parliamentary speeches, narratives of nature observation, and historical laws.
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