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    About SKS Publishing information

    Peer Review

    Manuscripts that are deemed suitable for the SKS scientific series are sent to be reviewed by at least two external, anonymous experts. Our peer review process is anonymous in both directions: both the author and reviewers remain anonymous to one another. This is why all manuscripts and statements must be anonymised.

    The publishing committee or the Studia Fennica series editor-in-chief will make a decision, based on the experts’ reviews, whether or not the manuscript is accepted or rejected, or if changes are requested from the author. In the case that the author is requested to make changes, they are asked to draft a report of revisions, detailing the revisions made to the manuscript. If necessary, the manuscript and report of revisions will be sent for an additional inspection to an expert.

    Book Acceptance and Editing

    Once a book has been accepted into the SKS publishing programme, the publishing coordinator will send the authors a publishing agreement and instructions on how to proceed.

    Manuscripts are always unique. Finalisation, details and technical editing are agreed upon with the book’s named publishing editor. The book’s specific publication schedule also agreed upon with the editor.

    Marketing materials are designed in cooperation with the author. The author is asked to send a short introduction on the book to the publisher, which is used as a base for the marketing introduction.