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    About SKS Publishing information

    The high quality of SKS academic publications is ensured with our meticulous peer review process. We publish scholarly literature in open access and in print. We are happy to accept book suggestions on scholarly works in the fields of humanities.

    Instructions for general non-fiction manuscript or idea submissions.

    Academic Manuscript Submission

    A script or book idea can be submitted before the final manuscript is complete. Make sure to read the instructions on this page as well as the SKS academic series.

    Send your manuscript or book project introduction as an e-mail attachment, in doc or rtf format, to tiedekirjat@finlit.fi. Questions regarding academic books or publishing should be directed to the SKS publishing coordinator.

    Your cover letter, included with the book suggestion or manuscript, should contain the following:

    Submitted book suggestions are pre-evaluated by the publisher, after which they are the responsibility of the academic series’ specific publishing committee.

    Publishing committee meetings are prepared by the SKS publishing coordinator, who also coordinates the peer review process. Manuscripts offered to the Studia Fennica series are coordinated by the editors-in-chief of their respective series.

    Peer Review

    Manuscripts that are deemed suitable for the SKS academic series are sent to be reviewed by at least two external, anonymous experts. Our peer review process is anonymous in both directions: both the author and reviewers remain anonymous to one another. This is why all manuscripts and statements must be anonymised.

    The publishing committee or the Studia Fennica series editor-in-chief will decide, based on the experts’ reviews, whether or not the manuscript is accepted or rejected, or if changes are requested from the author. In the case that the author is requested to make changes, they are asked to draft a report of revisions, detailing the revisions made to the manuscript. If necessary, the manuscript and report of revisions will be sent for an additional inspection to an expert.

    Book Acceptance and Editing

    Once a book has been accepted into the SKS publishing programme, the publishing coordinator will send the authors a publishing agreement and instructions on how to proceed.

    Manuscripts are always unique. Finalisation, details and technical editing are agreed upon with the book’s assigned publishing editor. The book’s specific publication schedule is also agreed upon with the editor.

    Marketing materials are designed in cooperation with the author. The author is asked to send a short introduction on the book to the publisher, which is used as a base for the marketing introduction.

    Book publication

    All SKS academic books are published in print and open access with the open CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

    SKS academic books have their own, distinctive appearance. The peer review badge on their back cover signifies the books’ quality that the review process is used to ensure. SKS also uses the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies’ badge for peer-reviewed academic books.

    The SKS sales and marketing team makes sure that a new book’s pre-release and eventually complete product information are available in publishing systems that are used by merchants and stockists alike. SKS publishes a list of the current year’s published books every spring. The list also includes books published in academic series of SKS. This publishing list is widely distributed to the media, book stores and libraries.

    Information on each new book is distributed on SKS’ social media channels. Once an academic book has been released, its press release is sent to thematic academic media outlets as well as to universities. Requests for review copies of all SKS books should be sent to the publishing coordinator. SKS follows up on its books’ reception and archives their related reviews.

    Book Processing Fees

    SKS does not require a book processing fee. If, however, the author or author group have reserved research funds for open access publishing, we recommend them to participate in the costs with an EUR 6,000 + VAT 24% book processing fee.

    Read More

    Instructions for formatting an academic manuscript in Studia Fennica series
    Instructions for formatting an academic manuscript in other SKS series (in Finnish)
    Description of the SKS peer review process and instructions for reviewers (in Finnish)