How Do We Read? The Possibilities for Literary School Education
This collection of articles examines literature education in Finnish upper secondary schools. The authors of the articles are literary scholars who present current perspectives on the study of literature. The central argument is that literary education in upper secondary schools has been overly focused on textual analytical close reading, while experiential and reflective methods of dealing with literature may motivate young readers in new ways.
The book consists of three sections. The first section delves into the current state of upper secondary school literature education by examining curricula and comparing upper secondary school literature teaching to the diploma programme offered by the International Baccalaureate. The second section then examines how materiality, intersectionality, and gender-conscious reading can be incorporated into literary education. The third section highlights experiential approaches to literature. The articles discuss the starting points of experiential learning, bodily and reflexive close reading, the experience of reading ecological dystopian literature, and the potential of audiobooks in school education in light of what listening means to literary education.
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Mäkikalli, A et al. (eds.) 2024. Miten luemme?: Kirjallisuuden kouluopetuksen mahdollisuuksia. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. DOI:
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Published on 16 Dec 2024
EPUB | 978-951-858-914-6 |
Paperback | 978-951-858-913-9 |
978-951-858-915-3 |