Metamodernism. The Change in Literature and Culture in 21st Century Finland maps the state and transformation of contemporary Finnish literature and culture since the postmodern era. The work highlights, from different perspectives, how this change and the metamodernism it represents are manifested in contemporary Finnish literature and culture. The collection aims to offer a broad understanding of how metamodernism is seen and implemented in Finnish culture. Metamodernism outlines the framework theoretically, conceptualizing the new phase as a nascent metamodernity that is taking shape on a global scale in different societies and cultures, especially in the Western world. The book’s 15 chapters, although the majority focus on literature, explore a wide range of genres including rap poetry, experimental poetry and prose, speculative fiction and children’s literature.
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Anttonen, S et al. (eds.) 2024. Metamodernismi: Kirjallisuuden ja kulttuurin muutos 2000-luvun Suomessa. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. DOI:
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Published on 26 Sep 2024
EPUB | 978-951-858-892-7 |
Paperback | 978-951-858-891-0 |
978-951-858-893-4 |