Exploring Pathways to Private Archives. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Historical, Cultural, and Literary Research
This anthology showcases a methodologically diverse range of archival research across literary studies, cultural history, folklore and memory studies, and historiography. It illuminates contemporary perspectives and challenges associated with archive usage. The chapters collectively advance the interdisciplinary dialogue on the utilization of private archival materials in literature and cultural traditions, underscoring the pivotal role these resources—whether ancient, recent, or emerging—play in research, and tackling the ethical dimensions of archival research.
The volume illustrates the breadth of questions that can and should be posed in archival research. It also delves into the element of surprise often encountered in the research process. Furthermore, the book discusses how the description and organization of materials, the availability of metadata, and the physical or digital nature of the archives shape scholarly investigations.
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Karhu, H et al. (eds.) 2024. Tutkimuspolkuja yksityisarkistoihin: Aineistot historian, kulttuurin ja kirjallisuuden tutkimuksessa. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21435/skst.1495
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Published on 04 Nov 2024
EPUB | 978-951-858-877-4 |
Paperback | 978-951-858-876-7 |
978-951-858-878-1 |